April 10, 2023

Thailand Digital Wallet Airdrops $300

Thailand’s Digital Wallet Airdrops 300 Crypto to Encourage Mass Adoption

A Thailand-based digital wallet provider is airdropping around 300 different cryptocurrencies to encourage cryptocurrency adoption amongst mass audiences. The company, Bitspark, is claiming that this is the highest ever airdrop of cryptocurrencies given out at once.

The distribution is being carried out for users of Bitspark’s mobile app and web wallet. In order to receive the airdrop cryptos, users will have to first create their wallet on Bitspad and provide KYC credentials.

Once verified, users will be able to redeem around 300 crypto tokens including prominent ones like Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Augur (REP), ZCash (ZEC), Monero (XMR) and many more.

The idea behind the event is to make people familiar with various crypto tokens while providing wider access to digital assets. A statement by Bitspark states that “Initiatives such as these aim to provide wider access to digital assets in an effort to make them more accessible and encourage further adoption.”

Aside from providing access, the company also wants its users to try newer coins which may not be known or popular among people yet.

The crypto sentiment in Thailand has been positive lately as local authorities are actively promoting the use of blockchain technology within their jurisdiction.

In April 2019, Thai SEC announced a policy review for all ICO related activities and stated that it will also create requirement for token issuers when it comes to reporting as well as raising capital from locals.

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