April 6, 2023

30 Ethereum Apps Unite to Launch DeFi Solution

30 Ethereum-Based Apps Unite to Launch DEFI Solution

We have reported recently about the booming Defi sector that has caught the attention of millions of investors and traders globally. Now, an interesting project has just been launched where 30 Ethereum-based applications unite to launch Defi solution.

The new project, named ‘Build on Ethereum’ will enable users to have access to various Defi services like lending and borrowing, insurance, marketplaces and DeFi-related decentralized applications. As the name suggests, these applications are built on the Ethereum network.

The main reason for launching this project is to broaden the range of services that can be provided in the Defi space. According to their website, this project aims to lower the entry barrier of DeFi with strong focus on operational security.

Some of the companies involved in this project are MakerDao, InstaDApp, Opyn and more. Each company provides its own set of services which will be available through a single interface. This means that users can access all these services without having to visit different websites or apps.

The Build on Ethereum initiative is spearheaded by oneGringotts who will provide access to this entire suite of DeFi solutions through their platform. This platform is currently in their development process and they plan to launch it soon.

It certainly looks like this initiative could be a game changer for the entire Defi industry as it will make it easier for people to access various services related to Decentralized Finance (DeFi). We are looking forward for their platform launch!

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